The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers

Creator of "Writing Through Rose-Tinted Glasses", self-proclaimed bibliophile, health/fitness enthusiast, and purveyor of all things books, writing, and media related.

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All Read (2116) Planning to read (5782) Currently reading (0)
Favorite (139) Wishlist (0) Reviewed (1144)
a-to-z-ya-challenge-2013 (4) abusive-relationships (18) academic (8) action (35) adult fiction (81) adventure (20) all-time-favorite-series (5) all-time-favorites (24) anthology (1) arc-or-galley (300) art (7) audiobooks (128) autobiography (7) better-than-i-expected (86) biography (6) business (5) characters-of-color (29) chick-lit (13) childhood-reads (5) children (11) christian (4) classics (3) comics (19) coming-of-age (95) contemporary (303) cooking (1) crime (93) cultural (14) currently-reviewing (4) drama (241) dropped-series (16) dystopia (22) edelweiss (3) education (8) entertainment (3) erotica (56) essays (2) exercise-science (3) fairy-tales (11) false-advertising (51) fantasy (80) favorites (104) fitness (3) forthcoming-reads (3) glbt (28) glorified-violence (2) graphic-novel (15) great-premise-lacking-execution (101) grief (79) health (18) historical (17) history (5) home (1) horror (21) humor (44) inspirational (15) language (2) magic (7) magical-realism (7) mature (83) meditation (6) memoirs (1) middle-grade (13) multi-povs (122) multicultural (17) music (15) mystery (66) needs-review (22) netgalley (279) new-adult (110) non-fiction (109) novella (25) nutrition (3) on-hold (3) on-the-fence (47) organization (4) paranormal (32) photography (1) picture-books (1) poetic-reviews (4) poetry (13) pretty-cover (148) productivity (38) psychological (170) quarterly-challenge-9-2013 (1) quarterly-challenge-ya-10-2013 (6) quarterly-challenge-ya-11-2013 (3) quick-read (90) realistic-fiction (249) reference (104) religion (9) romance (277) sci-fi (30) science (6) self-improvement (28) serial-novel-or-series (13) slice-of-life (28) sports (4) supernatural (51) suspense (73) tbr-challenge (0) technology (4) textbook (1) thriller (55) time-travel (3) to-read-arc-or-galley (252) to-read-general-fiction (77) to-read-mature (8) to-read-non-fiction (60) to-read-own-bought (54) to-read-romance (27) to-read-sci-fi-and-fantasy (93) to-read-young-adult (115) tough-subjects (176) urban-fantasy (14) war (12) wellness (17) writing (44) young-adult (202) zero-stars-is-too-much-for-this (23) Unshelved (6635)