The Juniper Game (Point)

The Juniper Game (Point) - Sherryl Jordan I recently re-read "The Juniper Game" by Sherryl Jordan and what an excellent read it was. While I think that there were some caveats in the progression, the characterization, the conflict, and the prose keeps you reading until the very end. Very imaginative and immersive experience. The story revolves around two 14-year-old protagonists - Dylan Pidgely and his odd friend Juniper. Juniper is a very spontaneous girl fascinated by the unknown, so much so that she tends to ignore the world and people around her to get what she wants. Dylan is the protagonist who finds himself fascinated by Juniper, but she doesn't really notice him until she finds his talent for art. Together, they proceed into something of a game - Juniper's abilities allow her to transcend into time, and Dylan, forming a connection with her mind, draws elaborate settings in the eyes of what Juniper witnesses. When it becomes too much for both of them to handle, things get very complicated and intense for the two, in addition to what they face in their day-to-day lives (especially from Dylan's perspective). I loved what the story built up to, and how it managed to tie its threads together by the end. Granted, I did hit a few bumps in some of the transitions between events, but the writing is beautiful and engaging. I would definitely read this again, and recommend it for its intended audience.Overall score: 3.5/5