The Writer's Compass: From Story Map to Finished Draft in 7 Stages

The Writer's Compass: From Story Map to Finished Draft in 7 Stages - Nancy Ellen Dodd Nancy Ellen Dodd has a wonderful approach to writing using the seven step formula in "The Writer's Compass". Her approach to writing uses an easy to follow structure with several visual cues and questions in a way that's organized and engaging - choosing to blend techniques such as mindmapping and plotting details in tables with the different facets of one's story (characterization, plot, etc.) She also gives helpful suggestions and draws from her own experience and education in the explanation of the many ways to approach crafting a story, even down to the level of drawing from your own creative well. The questions she's provided in this work gave me many opportunities to delve into my stories in more detail, and she writes in an encouraging, yet practical way throughout the work.This will go on my shelf of most helpful writing books for sure.